This is an explanation about why the price varies based on quality.
- #1 - This hay is still very fresh and green, and has either no weeds or a minimal percentage of weeds or other grasses. It is suitable for any livestock, including horses.
- #2 - This hay is mixed green and/or sun-bleached and has a very low percentage of weeds or other grasses. It is suitable for any livestock, including horses.
- #3 - This hay is brown and more likely to have weeds or other grasses mixed in. It is suitable for cattle, sheep, goats, llama, and alpaca.
- #4 - This hay is brown and possibly left over from the previous season. It is suitable for cattle, sheep, goats, llama, and alpaca.
- #5 - This hay is not fit for consumption, but is perfect for landscaping, events, hayrides, etc.